invisibilties zine
issue no. 1 (2018), issue no. 2 (2019)
invisibilities zine was a contributor-based self-funded DIY project I created at a time of crisis; having suffered many months of health issues with seemingly no resolve, I began this project as a way to connect with other women who had also felt let down by our healthcare system. issue no. 1 focused on these stories of non-visible health conditions, illustrated through writing and art-based submissions. issue no. 2 collected the histories and lineages of racialized women as a way to connect with culture, land, and family memory.
Both zine releases included in-person launches in Toronto which reached capacity at both venues. The launches included performances, readings, and ceremonial invitations from selected contributors.
invisibilities zine could not have been made without the trust every contributor who offered themselves for the cause of community building, my friend Mikey Corpuz who taught me basic graphic design, and all of my friends who supported me throughout the scary endeavor of putting something out in the world without really knowing what I was doing.
A handful of zines remain for sale - contact @invisibilitieszine on IG or for information.